Past Events


NAIOP Northern Virginia 2025 Annual Forecast and Luncheon

Thursday, February 6

NAIOP Chair Coleman Rector fields questions for panelists Stephnie Jennings and Terry Clower.


Clower GMU Presentation.
CBRE Overview Presentation.


2025 – we are twenty-five years into the 21st century and five years from the start of the COVID epidemic. How is Northern Virginia performing and where do we need to focus our energies in the future to not only maintain but to grow our economy? Please join us on Thursday, February 6 for NAIOP’s Annual Forecast. Terry Clower, Director of George Mason University's Center for Regional Analysis and the Northern Virginia Chair and Professor of Public Policy in the Schar School of Policy and Government, will provide an overview of the region and how we compare with our major competitors. Stephanie Jennings, CBRE’s Research Director for the Mid-Atlantic, will focus on the highs and lows of the local commercial real estate industry in 2024 and what’s predicted for 2025. There is a lot to consider as we move into the second quarter of the 21st century.


Terry Clower, Director, Center for Regional Analysis, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Stephanie Jennings, Research Director, Mid-Atlantic, CBRE


11:30 AM Registration and Networking
Noon Lunch and Program


Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
3111 Fairview Park Drive
Falls Church, Virginia 22042


Advance Registration is closed.
Walk-ins will be accommodated on a space available basis. There is a $25 walk-in fee.

Individual Registration
$120.00 Member
$150.00 Non-member
$70.00 Government Official

Table Registration (Table for eight plus table sign)
$ 960.00 Member
$1200.00 Non-member

Developing Leaders Present

Lunch & Learn: Leasing

Thursday, January 30


Join us for a big-picture overview of the leasing process and the players involved in making a deal. From tours to tenancy, the program will take you through the process of leasing a hypothetical commercial office space.


Briana Becker Stolley, Partner, Holland & Knight
Sarah Harrelson, Senior Manager, Interiors, DBI - a GF Company
Austin High, Senior Associate, Stream Realty Partners


Alex Wahl, Furniture Consultant, Washington Workplace


11:30 AM Registration/Networking/Lunch
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Program


Crystal & Clark
2450 Crystal Drive
Arlington, Virginia


Individual Registration
$35.00 member
$45.00 nonmember
Advance Registration is closed.
Walk-ins will be accommodated on a space available basis. There is a $15 walk-in fee.

Host Sponsors


Members Only...

Lunch with … Alexandria Mayor Gaskins

Tuesday, January 14

McGuireWoods Associate, and host, Steven Mikulic introduces Mayor Gaskins to NAIOP Members.


On January 2, Alyia Gaskins became the 89th Mayor of the City of Alexandria. First elected to City Council in 2021, she has dedicated herself to building a healthier, more prosperous Alexandria for all.

As a member of City Council, Gaskins has served on the Inova Alexandria Hospital Task Force; Landmark Community Development Authority Board of Directors; Council of Governments Region Forward Coalition; Council of Governments: Regional Transportation Planning Board; and the Northern Virginia Regional Commission. She holds an undergraduate degree from Vanderbilt University and two masters’ degrees, one from the University of Pittsburgh, and the other, in urban planning, from Georgetown. Most recently she earned a Professional Certificate in Municipal Finance from the University of Chicago. Gaskin was also attended NAIOP Northern Virginia’s 2023 Development 101, which focused on the repositioning of 1676 International Drive in Tysons.

Come meet the new Mayor on Tuesday, January 14 and learn about her vision for the City.

As always, our Lunch with ... programs are for NAIOP members only.


Alyia Gaskins, Mayor, City of Alexandria


Noon Registration and Networking
12:15 Lunch and Program
1:30 Adjourn


109 South St. Asaph Street
Parking: On-Street or nearby garages.


Members Only
Individual Registration
This event is sold out.




NAIOP Northern Virginia Annual Meeting

January 9

NAIOP Northern Virginia Chair Spencer Stouffer talks numbers with Carlyle’s Managing Director for US Real Estate Chip Lippman.


Our keynote will be Carlyle’s Managing Director for US Real Estate, Mr. Christopher (“Chip”) Lippman. Chip joined the firm in 1998 and has led various investment sourcing strategies in markets across the United States, and provides portfolio management responsibilities for the US Real Estate funds. He is also involved in capital raising activities for Carlyle Realty Partners and Carlyle Property Investors. He is a member of the Investment Committee for the US funds and Carlyle Europe Realty. Chip will share his insights into macro-economic issues and his perspective related to real estate among various property types and geography.

Carlyle has consistently been among the top ten largest real estate investors in the country, completing over 1,200 investments deploying over $19B in US Real Estate, including Single-Family Rental, Multifamily Residential, Active Adult, Self-Storage, Office, Data Center and Industrial.


Mr. Christopher (“Chip”) Lippman, Managing Director for US Real Estate, Carlyle


11:30 AM Registration and Networking
Noon Lunch and Program


Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
3111 Fairview Park Drive
Falls Church, Virginia 22042


Individual Registration
$100.00 Member
$130.00 Non-member
$50.00 Government Official

Table Registration (Table for eight plus table sign)
$ 800.00 Member
$1040.00 Non-member
Advance Registration is closed.
Walk-ins will be accommodated. There is a $25 walk-in fee added.