Recap of a very successful day. Thank you to Rachael Thomas at GCS-SIGAL for comipling the video.
More photos coming later today.
CLICK HERE to check out this 96 second video about why.
The 13th annual DL Snack Pack Project to benefit Second Story will be held on Tuesday, August 6. The purpose of the project is to provide meals and snacks, in the form of Snack Packs, to the children who participate in Second Story's afterschool programs at the Culmore Teen Center in Falls Church. Second Story is a local organization that provides counseling, shelter and neighborhood-based support services for children, youth and families.
Sponsorship/Donation Opportunities The Developing Leaders are committed to supporting the important work of this organization. We have set a goal to donate 5000 Snack Packs. In order to achieve this, we need to raise $15,000.
Corporate sponsorships and individual donations pay for the food and supplies used to make Snack Packs.
We have the following levels available: $500 Silver Sponsor $1000 Gold Sponsor
Volunteers to pack/deliver It takes lots of hands to assemble 5000 Snack Packs in one day. Please consider helping us out by registering for one of the August 6 packing or delivery shifts. Thank you. The outpouring of support has exceeded our expectations, and we are at capacity for the space. Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering.
Silverline Center 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia
All Day: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish Thank you. The outpouring of support has exceeded our expectations, and we are at capacity for the space. Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering.
Select one donation. Deadline to Donate is Wednesday, July 31 (You do not have to register for packing or delivery to donate.) $30 (Buys approximately 10 Snack Packs) $60 (Buys approximately 20 Snack Packs) $120 (Buys approximately 40 Snack Packs)
Nicole Fiorucci, Marketing Manager, Able Moving & Storage Wynn Hunsaker, Real Estate Project Manager, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership Nathan Tegarden, Project Manager, R.W. Murray Co.
Very nice video compliation of the day. A big thank you to Rachael Thomas with Forrester Construction Click here.
Photos from the event are on our website... Click here.
The wrapping party is back! Join us and help wrap donated gifts for Second Story’s young mothers, formerly homeless, and teen programs. Spend as much time as your schedule permits. The wrapping party will run until all the presents have been wrapped. Following the wrapping party, we will deliver the gifts to Second Story. You do not have to bring a gift to attend. Feel free to invite colleagues who are potential DLs. We'd love to introduce them to NAIOP's DL Program.
Second Story has provided us with a wishlist of gifts for each participant. At our deadline of December 7, we are pleased to report that everyone on the wishlist has been selected.
If you are not available to drop off your gifts on December 12, please contact Benita Stocks at NAIOP, to make arrangements for your donation.
Tuesday, December 12 Wrapping Party - Lunch - Networking - Holiday Cheer Begins at 11:00 AM
Valo Park 7950 Jones Branch Drive Tysons, Virginia
Photos from the event are on our website... Click here.
Very nice video compliation of the day. A big thank you to Rachael Thomas with Forrester Construction Click here.
The 12th annual DL Snack Pack Project to benefit Second Story will be held on Tuesday, August 8. The purpose of the project is to provide meals and snacks, in the form of Snack Packs, to the children who participate in Second Story's afterschool programs at the Culmore Teen Center in Falls Church. Second Story is a local organization that provides counseling, shelter and neighborhood-based support services for children, youth and families.
Sponsorship/Donation Opportunities The Developing Leaders are committed to supporting the important work of this organization. We have set a goal to donate 5000 Snack Packs. In order to achieve this, we need to raise $15,000.
Corporate sponsorships and individual donations pay for the food and supplies used to make Snack Packs.
For companies we have the following levels available for purchase: $500 Silver Sponsor $1000 Gold Sponsor For more information on company donations, please email Benita Stocks or call at 703-845-7080. For individuals please use the registration link below to make your contribution.
Volunteers to pack/deliver It takes many hands to assemble 5000 Snack Packs in one day. Please consider helping us out by registering for one of the August 8 packing or delivery shifts.
Silverline Center 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia
Register for 1 hour, 1 shift or all day All Day: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Packing Party 1: 9:00 AM - Noon Packing Party 2: Noon - 2:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish
Select one donation. (You do not have to register for packing or delivery to donate.) $25 (Buys approximately 10 Snack Packs) $50 (Buys approximately 20 Snack Packs) $100 (Buys approximately 40 Snack Packs)
Wynn Hunsaker, Real Estate Project Manager, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership Bryce Teel, Director of Business Development. TEEL Construction, Inc.
Join the DL Committee for their 11th annual Holiday Gift Donation to benefit Second Story. This year, we are granting wishes for 51 young people and babies in Second Story's programs. We are asking for your help to make sure that each of these individuals receives a little something special for the holidays.
We are fully committed for 2022. Thank you. Second Story has provided us with a wishlist of gifts for each participant. The deadline to select someone's gift list and fill in the form is Friday, December 2.
If you are not available to drop off your gifts on December 2, please contact Benita Stocks at NAIOP to make arrangements for your donation.
Thursday, December 8 Gift Drop-off - Lunch Networking - Holiday Cheer 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Valo Park 7950 Jones Branch Drive Tysons, Virginia
Event photos are on our website... Click here
The 11th annual DL Snack Pack Project to benefit Second Story will be held on Tuesday, August 2. The purpose of the project is to provide meals and snacks, in the form of Snack Packs, to the children who participate in Second Story's afterschool programs at the Culmore Teen Center in Falls Church. Second Story is a local organization that provides counseling, shelter and neighborhood-based support services for children, youth and families.
Sponsorship/Donation Opportunities The Developing Leaders are committed to supporting the important work of this organization. We have set a goal to donate 5000 Snack Packs. In order to achieve this, we need to raise $15,000.
Corporate sponsorships and individual donations pay for the food and supplies used to make Snack Packs.
For companies we have the following levels available for purchase: $500 Silver Sponsor $1000 Gold Sponsor For more information, please email Benita Stocks or call at 703-845-7080. For individuals please use the registration link below to make your contribution.
Volunteers to pack/deliver It takes lots of hands to assemble 5000 Snack Packs in one day. Please consider helping us out by registering for one of the August 2 packing or delivery shifts.
EastBoro III 8281 Greensboro Drive 1st Floor Conference Room McLean, Virginia
Register for 1 hour, 1 shift or all day All Day: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Packing Party 2: Noon - 2:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish Volunteer slots are full, but we can always use the help.
Select one donation. (You do not have to register for packing or delivery to donate.) $25 (Buys approximately 12 Snack Packs) $50 (Buys approximately 25 Snack Packs) $100 (Buys approximately 50 Snack Packs)
Tiffany Caceres, christopher consultants, ltd Nick Lane, Siemens Industry Inc. Molly Statler, PGAL
Event photos are on our website... Click here
Join the DL Committee for their 10th annual Holiday Gift Donation to benefit Second Story. This year, we are granting wishes for 51 young people and babies in Second Story's programs. We are asking for your help to make sure that each of these individuals receives a little something special for the holidays.
Second Story has provided us with a wishlist of gifts for each participant (click here). The deadline to select someone's gift list and fill in the form is Friday, December 10.
If you are not available to drop off your gifts on December 15, please contact Benita Stocks to make arrangements for your donation.
Wednessday, December 15 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Silverline Center 7900 Westpark Drive Tysons, Virginia
Event photos on our website... Click here
Time Lapse Video of the big day, Click here
Time Lapse Video of packing the Snack Packs, Click here
Coverage of SnackPack effort on NBC4Washington: Click here
The 10th annual DL Snack Pack Project to benefit Second Story will be held on Tuesday, August 10. The purpose of the project is to provide meals and snacks, in the form of Snack Packs, to the children who participate in Second Story's afterschool programs at the Culmore Teen Center in Falls Church. Second Story is a local organization that provides counseling, shelter and neighborhood-based support services for children, youth and families.
Sponsorship/Donation Opportunities To celebrate our 10-year anniversary supporting the important work of this organization, we are launching a "10 for 10" goal to raise $10,000 towards the purchase of food for the Snack Packs. This will allow us to donate 5000 meals. Corporate sponsorships and individual donations pay for the food and supplies used to make Snack Packs.
We are excited to report that we have reached our sponsorship goals. We appreciate your support. Thank you.
Volunteers to pack/deliver It takes lots of hands to assemble 5000 Snack Packs in one day. Please consider helping us out by registering for one of the August 10 packing or delivery shifts.
Register for 1 hour, 1 shift or all day Packing Party 1: 9:00 AM - Noon Packing Party 2: Noon - 2:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish
Silverline Center Conference Center 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia
Brian O'Donnell, WashREIT Tiffany Caceres, christopher consultants, ltd Nick Lane, Siemens Industry Inc. Molly Statler, PGAL
Photos from the Holiday Gift Donation Drop Off are on our website... Click here
Join the DL Committee for their ninth annual Holiday Gift Donation to benefit Second Story. While it is unfortunate that we are not able to get together in person as we have done in the past, we are moving forward with a safe alternative to try to bring a little joy to an individual in need. This year, we are granting wishes for young adult and teen participants in Second Story's programs. We are asking for your help to make sure that each of these individuals receives a little something special for the holidays.
Monday, December 14 Curbside Dropoff 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Tuesday, December 15 Curbside Dropoff 9:00 AM - Noon
Silverline Center Conference Center 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia
The NAIOP Northern Virginia Developing Leaders Committee is holding this virtual fitness challenge to help raise money for Second Story's Culmore Teen Center. As a result of the current pandemic, the DLs have planned this event as an alternative to their annual Snack Pack Project. 100% of the funds raised will be used by the center's afterschool program to provide meals and supplies to middle school-aged children and their families. The Culmore Teen Center continues to operate and provide service to the local community. Last year, the DLs were able to deliver over 4500 meals. The need is even greater this year.
Our goal is to raise $10,000, which will provide 5000 Snack Packs, by pledging to reach a collective 3.5 million steps. Please join us as we rack up the steps for a worthy cause!
Every step counts! Register to participate and contribute to our goals. You can choose from activities that naturally involve steps such as walking, running or hiking, or select your preferred fitness activity and use the chart below to convert your movement to steps. If you don't see your favorite activity, use a similar activity as a guide.
We are using ChallengeRunner to log everyone's progress. Track your steps on your favorite wearable tracker and sync it with the ChallengeRunner. You may also manually add your steps to the app. You will receive a link to NAIOP's ChallengeRunner account when you complete the registration process.
You can also just view the NAIOP DL Fitness Challenge page.
Most Steps The individual(s) who log the most total steps will win a one-year NAIOP membership. The winner(s) will be recognized at the 2020 Annual Meeting in December.
Daily LeadersThe individual(s) who log the most steps on each day will win a free registration to the 2021 NAIOP Annual Forecast.
Open Step Conversion Chart (excel file)
The Challenge runs from October 18 - 24. You may participate on any or all days. Your contribution is determined by you.
The Challenge takes place where you are -- at home, on the trail, in the gym, rink, studio or pool. Wherever you go to be active.
How to get started. Individual Registration. Select one donation: $25 (Buys approximately 12 Snack Packs) $50 (Buys approximately 25 Snack Packs) $100 (Buys approximately 50 Snack Packs) You do not have to participate in the challenge to donate. Sponsor a walker. You may sponsor a walker at any of the levels by entering your walker’s name when you register.
Photos from the Holiday Gift Donation Wrapping Party are on our website... Click here
Join us and help wrap donated gifts for Second Story's young mothers and youth programs. Spend as much time as your schedule permits. Feel free to invite colleagues who are potential DLs. The wrapping party will run until all the presents have been wrapped. Following the wrapping party, we will deliver the gifts to Second Story. You do not have to bring a gift to attend.
Second Story has provided us with a wishlist of gifts for participants in their youth programs. Use this list as a guide for the gift(s) you’d like to donate. Feel free to purchase for more than one person. The deadline to fill in the form with your gift donation(s) is Tuesday, December 10.
We are also collecting gift card donations in denominations of $5 or $10 for groceries, Target, Amazon, etc.
If you are unable to attend the event but would still like to donate a gift or gifts for the children at Second Story – please contact Benita Stocks,, to make arrangements to drop off your donation.
Noon: Lunch/Networking/Wrapping Party
Silverline Center Conference Room 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia
Advance Registration is closed.
Photos from the Big Snack Pack Packing are on our website... Click here
The 8th annual DL Snack Pack Project to benefit Second Story will be held on Tuesday, August 13. The purpose of the project is to provide meals and snacks, in the form of Snack Packs, to the children who participate in Second Story's afterschool program at the Culmore Teen Center in Falls Church.
In 2018, NAIOP volunteers delivered over 4000 Snack Packs. We would like to donate more this year. Sponsorships are available, and are used to purchase food and supplies for the Snack Packs. Contact Benita Stocks at 703-845-7080 or bstocks at naiopva dot org for more information.
Sponsorships pay for the food and supplies used to make Snack Packs. We have the following levels available:
$500 Silver Sponsor
$750 Gold Sponsor
$1000 Platinum Sponsor
Please contact Benita Stocks about 2019 Sponsorship.
Second Story is a local organization that provides counseling, shelter and neighborhood-based support services for children, youth and families.
Packing Party 1: 9:00 AM - Noon Packing Party 2: Noon - 2:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish
Silverline Center 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia 22102 Space provided by WashREIT
Register for 1 hour, 1 shift or all day. Packing Party 1: 9:00 AM - Noon Packing Party 2: Noon - 2:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish
Jeanette Ko, Cushman & Wakefield Brian O'Donnell, WashREIT
Photos from the Big Wrap are on our website... Click here
The wrapping party is in support of the Developing Leaders' gift donation to Second Story. Come and spend as much time as your schedule permits. The wrapping party will run until all the presents have been wrapped. Feel free to invite colleagues who are potential DL members.
Gift have been bought and are being readied for the big wrapping Party on Wednesday. See you then.
Noon: Lunch/Networking 12:30: Wrapping Party -- until all gifts are wrapped (typically 2-3 hours)
Silverline Center 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia
Photos from the big packing day are on our website... Click here
The 7th annual DL Snack Pack Project to benefit Second Story will be held on Wednesday, August 8, 2018. The purpose of the project is to provide meals and snacks, in the form of Snack Packs, to the children who participate in Second Story's afterschool program at the Culmore Teen Center in Falls Church.
In 2017, NAIOP volunteers delivered over 3800 Snack Packs. We would like to donate more this year. Sponsorships are available, and are used to purchase food and supplies for the Snack Packs. Contact Benita Stocks at 703-845-7080 or bstocks (at) for more information.
Sponsorships pay for the food and supplies used to make Snack Packs. We have the following levels available for purchase: $500 "Silver Dollar Pancake" Sponsor $750 "Yukon Gold Potato" Sponsor $1000 "Platinum Truffle Oil" Sponsor
Second Story is a local organization that provides counseling, shelter and neighborhood-based support services for children, youth and families.
Packing Party 1: 9:00 AM - Noon Packing Party 2: Noon - 3:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish
Silverline Center 7900 Westpark Drive, 5th Floor Conference Center McLean, Virginia 22102 Space provided by WashREIT
Please sign-up for at least one of the following shifts: Packing Party 1: 9:00 AM - Noon Packing Party 2: Noon - 3:00 PM Loading and Delivery: 2:00 PM - Finish
Jeanette Ko, Cushman & Wakefield Brian O'Donnell, WashREIT